Orange you glad…

…I didn’t say banana. So you probably know, green is the color of the year but I bet you didn’t know that lovely color between red and yellow on the color wheel is the color of this coming fall. Now you know, so welcome orange. A color that radiates warmth and happiness is going to be popping up all over the fashion, designer and party world this fall. With autumn quickly approaching I thought I would give you a sneak peek at some great party ideas for the end of summer soiree you are planning or a head start for your harvest fest. 

My number one favorite way to incorporate orange into any party is simple, fun & makes an impact. Who lovesss orange soda? (brings you back to your childhood, doesn’t it). Serve some ice cold, old fashioned bottles of orange soda at your party – throw in an orange and white striped straw and you’ve got your non-alcholohic drink for the evening.



I can’t get enough of the enthusiasm that orange brings to a room, it sure is a color full of life. In fact, the color orange relates to social communication, stimulating two way conversations – it gets people thinking and talking leading to a great party! 


So add some pink to your orange theme or some pumpkins to your centerpiece and you will have a party that pops and that your guests will love. Now you tell me, do you think you’ll fall for orange? Image


xoxo Jill